Friday, February 17, 2012

Winter Weather Policy 2012

Brothers and Sisters in Christ -

With the Weather Channel predicting snow this Sunday, I think it is wise to clarify our policy in terms of winter weather.

In general, it will not be our policy to cancel our main service at 10:30. We have a contract with a snow removal company who will clear and salt the parking lot in time for service, so the church will be accessible.

Sunday school, which depends on a greater number of volunteers to function, may be cancelled, since our volunteers may be unable to make it. The decision to cancel Sunday school (or the main service, in the case of truly horrific weather conditions) will be made by 7:00 AM on Sunday morning. As in the case of Irene and several winter storms of the past, advance speculation served little or no purpose, the resulting storm proved relatively minor, and the main roads to church have been clear and drivable.

Cancellations or revisions to the schedule will be communicated via WOLC 102.5 FM, WBOC ch 16, and WMDT ch 47. If you are unable to listen to or watch the listed stations, please contact an elder: Chris Vlaming, Scott Reckeweg, Mark Swope, Jerry Bier or Keith Myer. Our contact info is listed in the bulletin each week.  Feel free to text me. I might not be able to provide an answer, but I’ll let you know if we decide to cancel. Additionally, we'll post the cancellation on the blog at the church website, our Facebook page, and on Twitter. You can find my tweets (sigh) at

Use caution when making a decision to travel in snow. I live on major roads, and so the weather will have to be horrible to prevent me from attending, but if conditions keep you from traveling, then please take caution and stay home.

Thanks for taking the time to read this... looking forward to worshiping with you this coming Sunday!

In Him,
Pastor Keith

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fighter Verse for 1/12 and 1/19: Psalm 119:9, 11

Theme: Guard Your Heart with God’s Word
Verse: Psalm 119:9-11

 9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
   By guarding it according to your word.
10 With my whole heart I seek you;
   let me not wander from your commandments!
11 I have stored up your word in my heart,
   that I might not sin against you.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Honoring the Son of the King in 2012

As I mentioned this morning in the message from Psalm 2, (and highlighted in our Fighter Verse from Psalm 1:1-2) one of the ways in which we can honor the Lord and grow in service to Him is to have a time, a place, and plan for prayer and reading God's Word.

Here is a post from Justin Taylor's blog with a list of bible reading plans, and here is the plan I'm going to be using this year.

Also, just this morning I saw this post on systems for prayer, which you might find useful if you struggle to organize your prayer requests or order your prayer life.

Let me urge you strongly to consider integrating some of these ideas into your life in 2012, for His glory and your joy.
