How To Fight
- This is how Paul sums up an entire chapter thinking about the resurrection. The implications of this central event in the scriptures are a challenge for us to be undisturbed, to remain firmly planted, to be fruitful in ministry.
- The gospel, as Paul preached it (1 Cor 15:1-5), is that Christ died, was buried, was raised, and appeared to many witnesses. This is a historical reality. Our faith isn't in faith, or in our feelings, or in the music we sing or the fact that we don't watch R rated movies. Our faith is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness... we dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name. Our faith is in this historical reality. He was dead, and was raised, and appeared.
- Be Steadfast! No matter what happens to you, don't be thrown off the truth. No matter what kind of articles you see in Time or Newsweek, or the specials on the History Channel, know that the apostles gave their lives for the gospel because they saw Him alive. Alive!
- Be Immovable! No matter the political or economic climate, no matter your health or wealth, no matter if you feel like being loving or you are warmly loving the Lord, be immovable in your commitment to Him. He was raised, you will be too (1 Cor 15:20-28). Your body is wearing out, but He will give you a new one (1 Cor 15: 35-49). Death may claim those whom you love, but death has no true hold on the one who knows God (1 Cor 15:50-57).
- Abound in the Work of the Lord. Be about the business of His kingdom. You are a soldier in a war. You are a member of a team. You are a stone in God's holy temple. Be abundantly working for Him. Don't let your zeal for Him be drowned out by suffering or pain or doubt. Abound... He will rescue you at the proper time.
- Knowing that Your Labor in Him is Not in Vain. What you do, do for Him. Don't share the gospel for the sake of the one you're speaking to. If they reject it, won't that make you sad? Don't serve others for the sake of receiving praise. If they fail to perceive it, won't that reduce your motivation? Don't work hard at your job for the sake of a promotion. If your boss passes you over, won't that make you angry? Instead, share the gospel for the honor and glory of God. Even rejection is success, then. Serve for the sake of honoring the one who came not to be served, but to serve. Work, not as unto men, but as unto the Lord... and serve your boss as if he were the Lord, and know that God will honor it. No moment of life, lived for His glory, is wasted. Not one.